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More adventures in Ireland

Today we went to Northern Ireland to Altnagelvin Hospital for a workshop on their National Health System (NHS).

The British public health system was created in 1948 and exists as part of the welfare state system. Most of NHS care is free and funded by taxes. There is a private health care option, but most use the public health service. A medical card is issued for use within the health care system.

Altnagevin Hospital is a teaching hospital and we were shown the facilities and equipment used for teaching. We practiced our medical skills on sim man and assisted sim mom in the birth of her baby. The hospital accepts medical students from universities from both sides of their border.

After lunch, we went on a bus and walking tour of Derry. We learned the history of Northern Ireland from medieval times to present. It was an eye opening experience. The citizens of Northern Ireland have been victims of violence and tragedy for many, many years. After the tour, we all boarded the bus and went to Letterkenny to buy our dinner. The bus ride to and from Londonderry was 1 ½ hours. We went back to Ionad Naomh Pádraig for the youth group, ages 6 years old to 12 years old. There were about 60 kids that rotated through stations we prepared for them. They had a blast playing games for about 2 hours. They were so much fun! Afterwards some of us went to Sen Og’s, and some went back to host family’s homes.

Below are some more pictures of the guided Londonderry tour.

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